Personal, social and health education
PSHE - How can I stay safe offline? Lesson Plan
A lesson plan oveviewing how to enable students to understand the importance of staying safe offline in their daily interactions, recognize potential risks in the physical world, and learn strategies to protect themselves and others in various situations.
PSHE - How can I stay safe online? Lesson Plan
Lesson plan enabling students will understand how to stay safe online, recognize potential online risks, and learn strategies to protect their personal information and well-being in the digital world.
What do blood, organ, and stem cell donations involve? PSHE lesson
An excellent lesson
How do personal finances relate to state finances? PSHE lesson
Excellent lesson
What does miscarriage mean? PSHE lesson
PSHE lesson
What are the options following an unplanned pregnancy? PSHE lesson
A excellent lesson with minimal teacher input.
What do adoption and fostering involve? PSHE lesson
An excellent lesson
Why is the legal system in the UK essential? PSHE lesson
Excellent lesson
What is contraception and how do I make informed choices? PSHE lesson
An excellent PSHE lesson.